Il Coronavirus in America Latina

Una rassegna stampa e una selezione di risorse e documenti sulla situazione del Covid-19 in America Latina

Una rassegna stampa e una selezione di risorse e documenti sulla situazione del Covid-19 in America Latina

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) - World Health Organization (WHO)
Report e mappe sulla diffusione, informazioni su situazione, prevenzione e politiche sanitarie

Coronavírus (COVID-19), Biblioteca virtual em saude
Statistiche, diffusione, approfondimenti, politiche sanitarie, prevenzione. Con link a fonti informative per i singoli paesi

Observatorio COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe. Impacto económico y socialEconomic Commission for Latin America (ECLA)

The IDB Group in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)Inter-American Development Bank

Multilateral Entities Coordinate Response to the Regional Impact of COVID-19 at the Level of the Joint Summit Working Group, OAS - Organization of American States

Coronavirus nas favelas, Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco

Resisting in the mountains in Mexico: using territory and self-determination to resist COVID-19, CASAS, Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists from the South, 5 maggio 2020

Pandemics and the specter of hunger in Brazil: a multidimensional crisis and a negationist president, CASAS, Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists from the South, 30 aprile 2020

L’America Latina alla prova della pandemia, Aspenia, 28 aprile 2020

Lockdown affecting agribusiness and local food producers differently in Argentina. Challenges and opportunities for food sovereignty,  CASAS, Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists from the South, 28 aprile 2020

Deportation and Disease: Central America’s COVID-19 Dilemmas, International Crisis Group, 28 aprile 2020

Broken Ties, Frozen Borders: Colombia and Venezuela Face COVID-19, International Crisis Group, 15 aprile 2020

Coronavirus, Brasile: Bolsonaro contro (quasi) tutti, ISPI, 14 aprile 2020

Latin America: On the Verge of an Unprecedented Turn in the Covid-19 Pandemic?, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), 13 aprile 2020

UNESCO update on the education sector response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO, 8 aprile 2020

OIT: El COVID-19 destruye el equivalente a 14 millones de empleos y desafía a buscar medidas para enfrentar la crisis en América Latina y el CaribeOrganización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), 8 aprile 2020

The Mexican Government's Response to Covid-19 Is Insufficient, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), 8 aprile 2020

Bolsonaro's Erratic Behavior on the Covid-19 Threat Increases His Political Isolation, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), 7 aprile 2020

Lessons From Brazil’s Poor to Fight the Coronavirus, Carnegie, 6 aprile 2020

Covid-19 Exposes Latin America’s Inequality, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), 6 aprile 2020

How to Think About the Lockdown Decision in Latin America, Americas Quaterly, 2 aprile 2020

Brasile: Bolsonaro cambia idea, ISPI, 1 aprile 2020

A Misguided Bid to Topple Maduro as the Virus Looms, International Crisis Group, 27 marzo 2020

Aggiornato ad aprile 2020
