La Cina in Africa

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Argomento: Africa, Bibliografie, Cina

Eu-China-Africa trilateral relations in a multipolar world : hic sunt dracones / Anna Katharina Stahl. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

China’s foreign policy experiment in South Sudan / [International Crisis Group]. - Brussels : International Crisis Group, 2017

China's media and soft power in Africa : promotion and perceptions / edited by Xiaoling Zhang, Herman Wasserman and Winston Mano, - Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

China’s engagement with Africa : from natural resources to human resources / David Dollar. - Washington, D.C. : Brookings, 2016

Entrepreneurs africains et chinois : les impacts sociaux d'une rencontre particulière / Karsten Giese et Laurence Marfaing (éd.). - Paris : Éditions Karthala, 2016

China in Africa : strategic motives and economic interests / ed. by Suisheng Zhao. - London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015

China's second continent : how a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa / Howard W. French. - New York : Vintage Books, 2015

Chinese migrants and Africas development : new imperialists or agent of change? / Giles Mohan [et al.]. - London : Zed Books, 2014

Scacchiera africana : confronto di strategie tra Cina e Stati Uniti / Silvio Favari. - Roma : Fuoco, 2014

Chine Ltd. : un business africain : dossier, in Politique Africaine n.134 (2014)

Le jaune et le noir : enquête historique / Tidiane N'Diaye. - Paris : Gallimard, 2013

L'Afrique des Chinois / Philippe Richer ; preface de Jean-Luc Domenach. - Nouv. ed. rev. et enr. Paris : Karthala, 2013

China's aid & soft power in Africa : the case of education & training / Kenneth King. - Woodbridge : James Currey, 2013

China-Africa relations in an era of great transformations / edited by Li Xing with Abdulkadir Osman FarahFarnham : Ashgate, 2013

China-Africa dispute settlement : the law, culture and economics of arbitration / Won Kidane Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer law international, 2012

China and Africa : a century of engagement / David H. Shinn and Joshua Eisenman. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania press, 2012

Chinas new courtship in South Sudan / [International Crisis Group]. - [Brussels] : International Crisis Group, 2012

La Cina per le risorse africane: opportunità o minaccia? / Antonio M. Morone, in Ori d'Africa : terra, acqua, risorse minerarie ed energetiche / a cura di Germana Chiusano ed Egidio Dansero. - Repubblica di San Marino : AIEP, 2012, pp. 27-37

La globalizzazione economica in Africa: una prima riflessione sull'impatto economico e sociale / Mario Biggeri, in L'Africa che cambia: processi evolutivi in Africa subsahariana: un'antologia di analisi e studi di caso / a cura di Cristiana Fiamingo. - Milano: Unicopli, 2012, pp. 83-98

La Cina in Africa: un'ascesa irresistibile? / Cristina Ercolessi, in L'Africa che cambia: processi evolutivi in Africa subsahariana: un'antologia di analisi e studi di caso / a cura di Cristiana Fiamingo. - Milano : Unicopli, 2012, pp. 117-130

Buongiorno Africa : tra capitali cinesi e nuova società civile / Raffaele Masto. - Milano : Bruno Mondadori, 2011

China and Africa development relations / edited by Christopher M. Dent. - London & New York : Routledge, 2011

L'alternativa Sud-Sud, chi vince e chi perde : economia, politica, modelli culturali / a cura di Giampaolo Calchi Novati. - Roma : Carocci, 2011

Nationalism, globalization, and Africa / Michael Amoah. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, (capitolo Africa and China pp. 41-46)

China orders the world : normative soft power and foreign policy / edited by William A. Callahan and Elena Barabantseva Washington, D.C. : Woodrow Wilson center press ; Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University press, 2011

The best of both worlds : some lessons the European Union should learn from China in Africa / by Ilona Steiler. - Regensburg : FRP, 2010

The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / edited by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London ; New York : Zed Books, 2010

Chinese and African perspectives on China in Africa / edited by Axel Harneit-Sievers, Stephen Marks and Sanusha Naidu. - Cape Town : Pambazuka Press, 2010

Carnages : les guerres secrètes des grandes puissances en Afrique / Pierre Péan. - Paris : Fayard, 2010

The curse of Berlin : Africa after the Cold War / Adekeye Adebajo. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2010 (capitoli An Axis of Evil? China, the United States, and France in Africa, pp. 163-190 e The Springbok and the Dragon: South Africa vs. China in Africa, pp. 191-212)

The best of both worlds : some lessons the European Union should learn from China in Africa / by Ilona Steiler. - Regensburg : FRP, 2010

Cinafrica : Pechino alla conquista del continente nero / Serge Michel e Michel Beuret ; traduzione di Cristina Maiocchi ; fotografie di Paolo Woods. - Milano : Il saggiatore, 2009

Al largo di Okinawa : petrolio, armi, spie e affari nella sfida tra Cina e Usa / Alessandro Spaventa, Salvatore Monni. - Roma ; Bari : GLF editori Laterza, 2009

L'Africa cinese : gli interessi asiatici nel continente nero / Stefano Gardelli- [Milano] : Università Bocconi, 2009

La Cina in Africa : dossier, in Afriche e Orienti n.2 (2008)

China's Engagement in Africa: scope, significance, and consequences / Denis M.Tull, in Africa in world politics : reforming political order / edited by John Harberson and Donald Rothchild. - 4. ed. - Boulder : Westview, 2009, pp. 323-344

China returns to Africa : a rising power and a continent embrace / Chris Alden, Daniel Large and Ricardo Soares De Oliveira editors. - London : Hurst & Co., 2008

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon? : Africa and China / edited by Kweku Ampiah and Sanusha Naidu. - Scottsville : University of KwaZulu-Natal press, 2008

Africa gialla : l'invasione economica cinese nel continente africano / Angelo Ferrari. - Torino : UTET, 2008

Sviluppo economico e strategico della Cina : compatibilità fra geopolitica, economia e bilancio militare / Carlo Jean ; prefazione di Giuseppe Valotto ; postfazione di Paolo Savona. - Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2008, (capitolo La Cina in Africa, pp. 81-86)

China in Africa / Chris Alden. - London ; New York : Zed books ; Cape Town : David Philip, in association with International African Institute, Royal African Society, Social Science Research Council, 2007

Safari cinese : petrolio, risorse, mercati : la Cina conquista l'Africa / Cecilia Brighi, Irene Panozzo, Ilaria M. Sala ; prefazione di Angelo Del Boca. - Milano : Obarrao, 2007

Africas silk road : China and Indias new economic frontier / Harry G. Broadman, with contributions from Godze Isik ... [et al.]. - Washington : The World Bank, 2007

China outside China : China in Africa / edited by Luca Castellani, Pang Zhongying, Ian Taylor. - Torino : CASCC, 2007

China in Africa / Margaret C. Lee ... [et al.] ; compiled by Henning Melber. - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2007

African perspectives on China in Africa / Firoze Manji, Stephen Marks. - Oxford : Fahamu, 2007

China, Africa and South Africa : South-South co-operation in a global era / Garth Le Pere and Garth Shelton. - Midrand, South Africa : Institute for global dialogue, 2007

China's post-cold war strategy in Africa: examing Beijing's methods and objectives / Joshua Eisenman, in China and the developing world : Beijing's strategy for the twenty-first century / edited by Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham and Dereck Mitchell ; foreword by Kurt Campbell. - Armonk (New York) ; London : M. E. Sharpe, 2007, pp. 29-59

Chine-Afrique, le dragon et l'autruche : essai d'analyse de l'evolution contrastée des relations sino-africaines : sainte ou impie alliance du 21. siecle? / Adama Gaye. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2006

L'Afrique noire industrielle : stratégies de développement économique pour le continent noir / Rudy Massamba. - Paris [etc.] : L'harmattan, 2006 (capitolo Le développment industriel de la Chine, pp. 32-40)

Asian voyages: two thousand years of constructing the other / O. R. Dathorne. - Westport, Conn. [etc.] : Bergin & Garvey, 1996 (capitoli China and Africa: mutual discoveries, pp. 73-87 e China's “discovery” of Africa, pp. 89-100)

The all-weather friend? Sino-African interaztion in the twenty-first century / Ian Taylor, in Africa in international politics : external involvement on the continent / edited by Ian Taylor and Paul Williams. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2004, pp. 83-101

Le relazioni della Cina con l'Africa nel medio evo / Teobaldo Filesi. - 2. ed. - Milano : A. Giuffre, 1975

Aggiornato a dicembre 2018
