La questione ambientale in Cina

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Argomento: Cina, ambiente

Alcuni suggerimenti di lettura e approfondimento sulla questione ambientale in Cina

Rassegna stampa articoli e approfondimenti online




Potrebbe interessarti anche: La Cina e la Conferenza sul Clima, Cop21 - 2015 (novembre 2015)

Cina (pubblicazioni elettroniche) in e-Cabral Biblioteca digitale

Rassegna stampa articoli e approfondimenti online

Union européenne-Chine: une unanimité sur le climat minée par les questions commerciales, Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Le Monde, 2 giugno 2017

In China, the water you drink is as dangerous as the air you breathe, Deng Tingting, The Guardian, 2 giugno 2017

Dim prospects for coal, Chinadialogue, 3 maggio 2017

La Chine investit dans les renouvelables et ses émissions de CO2 diminuent, Brice Pedroletti, Le Monde, 29 marzo 2017

Shadow over Marrakech summit, Chinadialogue, 20 gennaio 2017

In Cina l’inquinamento non è una calamità naturale, Gabriele Battaglia, Internazionale,10 gennaio 2017

Risorse naturali e potere nel Sud-Est asiatico, RISE VOL. 1 N. 4, Torino World Affairs Institute, Novembre 2016

China’s Environmental Crisis, Eleanor Albert and Beina Xu, Council on Foreign Relations, 18 gennaio 2016

The (non) changing business environment in China: still talking the walk, Edoardo Agamennone, Torino World Affairs Institute, settembre 2016

Il conto per pulire la Cina: mille miliardi per lo smog, John McGarrity , Cinaforum, 23 giugno 2016

Nuove politiche ambientali, l’ora del libretto verde, Alessandro Zadro, Cinaforum, 18 marzo 2016

En Chine: le défi des écocités fantômes, Harold Thibault, Le Monde, settembre 2015

Cambiamenti climatici, gli impegni di Pechino per il summit Onu, Chinadialogue, 3 luglio 2015

I dilemmi della Cina tra crescita sostenuta e sviluppo sostenibile, OrizzonteCina Vol. 6 n. 3, Torino World Affairs Institute , Maggio - Giugno 2015

Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Consumption in China 2014, WWF, 2014

I dilemmi della crescita sostenibile e le nuove politiche verso il vicinato, OrizzonteCina Vol. 5 n. 2, Torino World Affairs Institute , Febbraio 2014

Environment protection, ChinaDaily

Air pollution, ChinaDaily


Smog Journeys: a short film by Jia Zhangke, Greenpeace East Asia, gennaio 2015

La politica ambientale cinese, Alessandro Gobbicchi, MEM - Managing in Emerging Markets UNIMORE, 2 maggio 2016


Environment Law,

Pubblicazioni (i libri con * sono disponibili al prestito alla Biblioteca Cabral)

Blue skies over Beijing : economic growth and the environment in China / Matthew E. Kahn and Siqi Zeng. - Princeton : Princeton University press, 2016*

China's environmental challenges / Judith Shapiro. - 2. ed. - Cambridge ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2016*

Green Innovation in China: China’s Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy / Joanna I. Lewis. – New York, Columbia University Press, 2015*

Environmental policies in Asia / Jing Huang and Shreekant Gupta editors. -New Jersey : World Scientific, 2014*

The Economics of Climate Change in China: Towards a Low-Carbon Economy / Fan G. – London : Routledge, 2013

Learning From China? : Development and Environment in Third World Countries / Bernhard Glaeser. – London: Routledge, 2013

Chinese perspectives on the environment and sustainable development / editors: Christopher Heselton, Wenhu Ye. – Leiden : Brill, 2013

Green Politics in China: Environmental Governance and State–Society Relations / Joy Y. Zhang, Michael Barr. – London : Pluto Press, 2013

La Cina e la questione ambientale / Alessandro Gobbicchi. – Milano : Angeli, 2012 *

Potenze economiche emergenti : Cina e India a confronto / a cura di Giovanni Balcet e Vittorio Valli. - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2012*

The Governance of Energy in China: Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy / Philip Andrews-Speed, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

Energy and environmental policy in China : towards a low-carbon economy / ZhongXiang Zhang. – Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011

Nuove tendenze del business in Cina / Anita Capozzi. – Bologna : Bononia University Press, 2010* capitolo v “Ambiente: un nuovo approccio allo sviluppo”

The River Runs Black – The Environmental Challenge to China’s Future, Second Edition / Economy Elizabeth C. – London : Cornell University Press, 2010

Chinas environmental crisis : domestic and global political impacts and responses / edited by Joel Jay Kassiola and Susjian Guo. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010

China and the global environment: learning from the Past, Anticipating the Future / Katherine Morton. – Sidney, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 2009

Environmental Activism in China / Lei Xie. – London : Routledge, 2009

Chinaʼs environmental crisis : why should we care? / Simona Alba Grano. – Lund : Centre for East and South-East Asian studies, Lund university, 2008

China’s Water Warriors – Citizen Action and Policy Change / Andrew C. Mertha. – London : Cornell University Press, 2008

Natural wonders in China / Liu Ying; translation by Zhou Xiaozheng. – Beijing : Beijing international press, 2008

Cina: capitalismo rosso, ambiente nero – Bologna : il Mulino, Fondazione Enrico Mattei, 2007

Shaping Chinas energy security : the inside perspective / edited by Michal Meidan. – Paris : Asia Centre-Centre etudes Asie, 2007*

The Chinese power sector : wind and clean coal generation sectors : main challenges and trends / edited by Maria Weber. – Torino : CASCC, 2007*

Cina : ambiente: fabbisogno ed opportunità nello sviluppo economico del paese / a cura di Sviluppo Lazio-Area internalizzazione, – Roma, 2006

State of the world 2006 : rapporto sullo stato del pianeta : focus Cina e India / Worldwatch Institute ; edizione italiana a cura di Gianfranco Bologna. – Milano : Edizioni Ambiente, 2006

Green China: seeking ecological alternatives / Geoffrey Murnd, Ian G. Cook. – London: Curzon Press, 2002

Economics of the environment in China / editors Jeremy J. Warford, Li Yining. – Boyds : Aileen international, 2002

Cases of Japan-China environmental cooperation : compendium : investigative study of Japan-China environmental cooperation schemes / commissioned by the Environment agency,

Government of Japan. – [S. l.] : Overseas environmental cooperation center, Japan, 2000

The great divergence : China, Europe, and the making of the modern world economy / Kenneth Pomeranz. – Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2000*

China in the post-utopian age / Christopher J. Smith. – Boulder : Westview Press, 2000*

Chinaʼs environmental crisis : an inquiry into the limits of national development / Vaclav Smil. – London : Sharpe, 1993*

Environmental policy in China / Lester Ross. – Bloomington : Indiana university press, 1988*

The bad earth : environmental degradation in China / Vaclav Smil. – London : Zed Press, 1984*

Potrebbe interessarti anche: 

La Cina e la Conferenza sul Clima, Cop21 - 2015 (novembre 2015)

Aggiornato a giugno 2017
