Per saperne di più sull'Etiopia

Dallo scorso novembre l'Etiopia è terreno di scontri e proteste che non trovano tregua

Scheda paese

Il sistema elettorale e di governo

Pubblicazioni disponibili in biblioteca

Etiopia (pubblicazioni elettroniche) in e-Cabral-biblioteca digitale

Notizie, aggiornamenti e approfondimenti

Archivio rassegne stampa e approfondimenti

Scheda paese


Library of Congress


Ethiopia in Africa South of the Sahara 2015, London ; New York : Routledge, pp. 481-513

Il sistema elettorale e di governo

Ethiopia, in

Notizie, aggiornamenti e approfondimenti


Human Rights Watch

International Crisis Group

Amnesty International




The Guardian

All Africa

Jeune Afrique

Le Monde

Il Post

Pubblicazioni disponibili in biblioteca

Il contesto storico-politico dell'Etiopia contemporanea (selezione di volumi disponibili in biblioteca)

Ethiopia and Eritrea : insights into the Peace Nexus / Belete Belachew Yihun ed. - Los Angeles : TSEHAI, 2020

Ethiopia in theory : revolution and knowledge production, 1964-2016 / by Elleni Centime Zeleke. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill, c2020

Shallow graves : a memoir of the Ethiopia-Eritrea war / Richard Reid. - London : Hurst, 2020

The puzzle of Ethiopian politics / Terrence Lyons. - Boulder ; London : Lynne Rienner, 2019

Laying the past to rest : The EPRDF and the challenges of Ethiopian state-building / Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe. - London : Hurst, 2019

The Horn of Africa : state formation and decay / Christopher Clapham. - Oxford : Oxford UP, 2017

Understanding contemporary Ethiopia / edited by Gérard Prunier and Éloi Ficquet. - London : Hurst, 2015

Federalism and ethnic conflict in Ethiopia : a comparative regional study / Asnake Kefale. - London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013

Nationalism, law and statelessness : grand illusions in the Horn of Africa / John R. Campbell. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2013

Sharing the Nile : Egypt, Ethiopia and the geo-politics of water / Seifulaziz Milas. - London : Pluto press, 2013

Understanding religion and social change in Ethiopia : toward a hermeneutic of covenant / Mohammed Girma. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

Ethiopia : the last two frontiers / John Markakis. - Woodbridge : James Currey, 2011

L'Etiopia entra nel terzo millennio : saggio di storia sociale e politiche dell'istruzione / Tekeste Negash. - Roma : Aracne, 2009

L'Ethiopie contemporaine / Gérard Prunier. - Addis-Abeba : CFEE ; Paris : Karthala, 2007

Ethnic federalism : the Ethiopian experience in comparative perspective / edited by David Turton with an afterword by Christopher Clapham. - Oxford : J. Currey [etc.], 2006

Histoire de l'Ethiopie : l'oeuvre du temp / Paul B. Henz ; trad. de l'anglais par Robert Wiren. - Paris : Moulin du pont, 2004

Unfinished business : Eritrea and Ethiopia at war / edited by Dominique Jacquin-Berdal and Martin Plaut. - Trenton [etc.] : Red Sea press, 2004

The Horn of Africa : politics and international relations / Peter Woodward. - London ; New York : Tauris, 2003

Ethiopie-Erythrée : frères ennemis de la Corne de l'Afrique / Fabienne Le Houérou. - Saint-Rémy-de-la-Vanne : Les nouvelles d'Addis ; Paris [etc.] : L'harmattan, 2000

Brothers at war : making sense of the Eritrean-Ethiopian war / Tekeste Negash & Kjetil Tronvoll. - Oxford : J. Currey ; Athens : Ohio university press, 2000

Ethiopia Since the Derg : A Decade of Democratic Pretension and Performance / edited by Siegfried Pausewang, Kjetil Tronvoll, Lovise Aalen. - London : Zed Book, 2002

Remapping Ethiopia : socialism & after / edited by Wendy James ... [et al.]. - Oxford : J. Currey ; Athens : Ohio university press ; Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa university press, 2002

Twenty years to nowhere : property rights, land management and conservation in Ethiopia / Yeraswork Admassie. - Lawrenceville ; Asmara : Red Sea, 2000

The Ethiopian state at the crossroads : decolonization and democratization or disintegration? / Leenco Lata. - Lawrenceville : Red Sea, 1999

Peasant revolution in Ethiopia : the Tigray people's liberation front, 1975-1991 / John Young. - Cambridge etc.! : Cambridge university press, 1997

Ethiopia / Stuart Munro-Hay, Richard Pankhurst compilers. - Oxford : Clio press, 1995

Ethiopia in change : peasantry, nationalism and democracy / edited by Abebe Zegeye and Siegfried Pausewang. - London etc.! : British academic press, 1994

L'Etat et les crises d'integration nationale en Ethiopie contemporaine / par Abbas Haji. - Talence (France) : Centre d'etude d'Afrique noire, Institut d'etudes politiques de Bordeaux, 1993

The Ethiopian revolution, 1974-1987 : a transformation from an aristocratic to a totalitarian autocracy / Andargachew Tiruneh. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1993

Imagining Ethiopia : struggles for history and identity in the Horn of Africa / John Sorenson. - New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 1993

Oromia & Ethiopia : state formation and ethnonational conflict, 1868-1992 / Asafa Jalata. - Boulder : L. Rienner, 1993

Ethiopia, power and protest : peasant revolts in the twentieth century / Gebru Tareke. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991

Revolutionary Ethiopia : from empire to peoples republic / Edmond J. Keller. - Bloomington : Indiana university press, 1991

The invention of Ethiopia / Bonnie K. Holcomb, Sisai Ibssa. - Trenton : Red sea press, 1990

Red tears : war, famine and revolution in Ethiopia / Dawit Wolde Giorgis. - Trenton (NJ) : Red sea press, stampa 1989

Ethiopia : transition and development in the Horn of Africa / Mulatu Wubneh and Yohannis Abate. - Boulder : Westview ; London : Averbury, 1988

The Ethiopian transformation : the quest for the post-imperial state / John W. Harbeson. - Boulder (CO) : Westview press, 1988

Transformation and continuity in revolutionary Ethiopia / Christopher Clapham. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988

Class and revolution in Ethiopia / by John Markakis and Nega Ayele. - Trenton (NJ) : The Red Sea press, 1986

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(settembre 2021)

Archivio rassegne stampa e approfondimenti

Chi sono gli oromo e perché protestano in Etiopia?, Internazionale, 23 agosto 2016

La rue éthiopienne salue avec prudence le geste politique de son marathonien, Le Monde, 23 agosto 2016

What is behind Ethiopia's wave of protests?, BBC, 22 agosto 2016

Éthiopie : comprendre la contestation qui secoue le pays, Jeune Afrique, 22 agosto 2016

The Ethiopian Intifada is a response to extreme internal repression, Pambazuka news, 19 agosto 2016

Ethiopia: Why the Oromo Protests Mark a Change in Ethiopia's Political Landscape, AllAfrica, 14 agosto 2016

Cosa sta succedendo in Etiopia, Il Post, 8 agosto 2016
